The CGIScripter CGI - Forms folder tab contains fields
for entering Form-specific parameters which will be used to generate
Perl CGI scripts.

field: Form Name
This field displays the name of the form which is currently being viewed.
To change the name of a form, change the name of the form in this field.
The name of the form will be changed once the cursor is moved to another
field on the screen.
field: HTML Header
The information contained within this field is used to create an external
HTML file which is loaded and displayed dynamically by the CGI scripts.
This external HTML file is expected to be located by default from within
the cgi-bin directory - however the Perl scripts may be updated manually
to change this location. This external HTML file may be edited independently
by the webmaster without any knowledge of Perl CGI programming. If no
information is entered into this field, default HTML header information
located within each Perl script is used for creating each dynamic web
button: HTML Header - Replace All
HTML Header Replace All - Clicking this button replaces the HTML Header
information on all of the other forms with the contents of the HTML
Header field on the form currently being viewed.
field: HTML Footer
This information is used to create the external footer HTML file. This
is the HTML footer information which is displayed after the dynamically
generated information on dynamic web pages.
button: HTML Footer - Replace All
Clicking this button replaces the HTML Footer information on all of
the other forms with the contents of the HTML Footer field on the form
currently being viewed.
menu: Security
The two options on this menu are None and Secure. If the Secure option
is selected, the URLs created for posting info to web pages will be
created with an "https" prefix instead of an "http"
Note: It is recommended that all elements of a web page should be located
within the same security zone. If a secure web page is being created,
then all images for the secure page should also be served from secure
directories. This process is necessary in order to prevent web users
from seeing a warning dialog box warning them that all elements of the
HTML page are not secure. Since all elements of a secure web page need
to be encrypted by the web server and decrypted by the web browser they
should be kept small in size to minimize delays.
field: Submit Success URL
If the Submit Success URL is filled in, the user will be redirected
to the URL specified in this field upon successful completion of insert,
update and delete scripts.
field: Submit Success Text
If the Submit Success URL field is not filled in, the text listed in
the Submit Success Text field will be displayed upon successful completion
of insert, update and delete scripts.