- CGIScripter instantly writes Perl CGI scripts for MySQL, Oracle, Access,
SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL, FrontBase and FileMaker 11 databases.
The robust Perl CGI scripts generated by CGIScripter allow insert, query,
update and delete for all datatypes stored within database tables (including
images and large text columns). The well-documented Perl CGI scripts
generated by CGIScripter utilize industry standard best practices regarding
web form processing, and also include complete SQL table creation code
and HTML files.

Matrix - The Support Matrix page lists the databases and platforms
which are supported by CGIScripter.

and Benefits - Careful planning and testing has gone into the development
of the scripts generated by CGIScripter. These features are explained
on this page.

Interface - CGIScripter incorporates an efficient and straightforward
graphical interface to support the automated writing of Perl CGI scripts.

- CGIScripter creates 15 files (including Perl, HTML, and SQL code)
for each form which has been defined within the CGIScripter application.
This page provides descriptions of the generated output files, flowcharts
and links to sample files created by CGIScripter.

Clippings and Articles - This page contains links or references
to articles in magazines and websites about CGIScripter.

- The resource links on this page provide info about Perl, MySQL and
Apache web server technologies. These resources were used during the
development of the scripts generated by CGIScripter.